Skin Tightening & Lifting
Revolutionary skin tightening and skin lifting treatments...

With our non-invasive lifting, tightening, and firming treatments we have the ability to stimulate multiple layers of skin remodelling, not just the surface layer but deep into the dermis with little to no downtime.

Following a thorough consultation, we will choose the right course of treatment for you.

Key Facts:

  • External factors such as sun, gravity, pollution, and lifestyle all cause negative effects on our skin, which ultimately result in premature signs of ageing such as lax skin.
  • Within the skin are fibres called collagen and elastin. Collagen gives your skin strength, while elastin allows the skin to stretch and bounce back. As we age, we gradually lose these proteins, and the reasons behind this are plenty.
  • Our bodies stop producing collagen and elastin as we age. Fortunately, we can utilise Skin Tightening and Skin Lifting treatments to regenerate elastin and collagen in ageing skin is through
  • Sun exposure accounts for around 85% of skin ageing so wearing a daily sunscreen is imperative in your daily routine.

Treatment Time

45-60 minutes

NO Anaesthetic

Not Required

Fast Recovery

Same Day


from £80 per session

Best Results

in 3-6 treatments

No Complications

Very Low Risk

Can we answer?
You will no doubt have lots of questions...

Let us try to answer a few questions for you below but please do book in with us for a consultation.

The treated area may be pink for a short time after treatment, but this will subside quickly. Normal activities can be resumed immediately. For Body treatments, as a result of some of the triglycerides being metabolised by passing into the urinary system it is also quite normal to experience an increased need to go to the toilet.

In fact, it is recommended for both face and body treatments that patients drink increased quantities of water for a short period of time after the treatments to encourage and enhance this particular removal process for the fat cells. Immediately after treatment, contraction of collagen fibres improves skin elasticity and the skin should appear firmer.

Prior to treatment you must first undergo a consultation during which details about your medical history are obtained in order to confirm your suitability. Before proceeding with treatment you will also be asked to complete a consent form.

Generally side effects are very mild and can include itching, numbness, a little heat, tenderness, redness and swelling. Less common side effects can include mild bruising, or blisters at the treatment area site, which resolve fairly quickly. However these are not common.

Unfortunately, people with the following conditions are unlikely to be suitable for treatment:

  • Pregnancy
  • Heart problems
  • Metal implants or pacemakers
  • Severe clotting disorders
  • Current or recent cancer
  • Severe vascular disease
  • Skin disease in the treatment area
  • Uncontrolled diabetes
  • Under the age of 16

We recommend Onda® treatments spaced at 4 weeks apart for fat reduction, and 3-4 weeks apart for cellulite treatment.

Most people are suitable for treatment. With the Onda we can treat all skin types.We recommend a consultation to ascertain if the treatment will be sucessful for you.

Treatment is very quick and it is an easy procedure to deliver with treatment times varying depending on area size. To help put treatment times into perspective, the Onda device is capable of treating a typical abdomen in 10 – 20 minutes and the Promax Lipo is capable of treatment the abdomen in 30-40 minutes.

Skin tightening treatments increase the growth of new collagen and strengthen the skin’s elastin fibres in the treated area. After the treatment natural collagen regeneration makes the skin soft, tighter, smoother.

For skin tightening Onda® performs by:

Generating heat- the heat caused by Coolwaves™ causes the immediate shrinkage of collagen fibres in the dermis, the consequence of this is the tightening of flabby skin. The final effect is an improvement of skin laxity.

Warm & Friendly

Beauty & Aesthetics Salon

Fully Qualified

Professional Qualifications

Established 30+ years

Many years of Experience

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